Our commitment to supporting homeowners with disabilities

At Synergy One Lending, we strive to build quality products and accessibility. We are committed to making our services and our team members accessible to meet the needs of all our homeowners.

Our site has been evaluated and updated to allow for homeowners with disabilities an enhanced user experience when using the site. We have improved the ability for sight impaired homeowners to use screen reader technology to navigate the site, as well as enhanced the ability to browse the site using a key board versus relying on a mouse to point and click.

We also accept calls to our Homeowner Care Center (and can make outgoing calls upon request) through the federal Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS).

Screen Reader

We have improved our site to allow for labels, hyper-links and input fields to be interpreted by a screen reader.

For screen readers there are several accessibility options based on the respective web browser used. We recommend the pairings below for the best user experience.

  • Chrome and JAWS

  • Mozilla Firefox and NVDA

  • Edge comes with screen reader functionality built in

  • Windows 10 offers Narrator built in as part of its standard software offering

Please note: Homeowners may have to adjust the settings depending on their preferences for the particular application they are using. See below for additional information.

Special characters: If it’s required by the screen reading application, enable settings to automatically read any of these special characters: @, #, $, &, ', ", /, |, _, { }, [ ] and words with tilde or grave accented characters

Symbols: If it’s required by the screen reading application, enable settings to automatically read these symbols: +, -, =, *, \, %, ^, ( ), < and >.

In general the screen reader should be used in conjunction of the most current versions of the web browser.

Tabbed Browsing

We have updated our site to allow for key board browsing. This enables homeowners who elect to use the key board versus a mouse for point-and-click the ability to navigate the site using the tab key to move about the screen and menus. No special applications or software is required for use of this functionality.

Use the Telecommunications Relay Service to Contact Us

We make and accept calls through the federal Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS). TRS is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories for local and/or long distance calls. TRS providers are compensated for the costs of providing TRS from either a state or a federal fund. There is no cost to the TRS user. To learn more, click here.

Call us: (855) 648-4820 (Toll Free)

Message us at: https://S1L.servicingdivision.com/msg

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm ET and Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm ET